Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trailer to movie called Felon

This was a movie about a guy who accidentally killed a burglar outside his house. He is sentenced to time in jail and has to deal with the harsh realities of prison. How does portrayal of criminals in movies, help cast their stereotype? Obviously not in a good way, but what are some particulars that seem pertinent in this movie trailer?

1 comment:

  1. I taught in a prison for 5 years, and an important thing to remember about movies about prison is that they condense a 5 year sentence into a couple hours, thus dramatizing it, making it seem more intense than it is. However, the intensity is there, most definitely, especially for someone who is new to prison. New inmates will be tested, pushed to the brink; the best thing is to keep quiet until you find someone you can partially trust.

    Some of my inmate students told me that it's a good thing to go a little nuts if a fight is inevitable. If you show you're crazy and you're going to bite an claw your way through a fight, people might think twice next time.

    However, there is a significant amount of extreme boredom and downtime in prison.

    I never spent a night in the solitary confinement unit that I taught in. So, do I really know what i'm talking about? Probably only slightly more than someone who's never been in a prison at all.
